Wednesday, October 12, 2011

10/11 Prayer Requests

We lift up these prayer requests this week. Please post a comment to add any more prayer requests.

Life Requests:
- For God to be with Courtney's sister - she's going through a hard time right now.
- Lori & Teri's grandma is having shoulder replacement surgery on October 19th - pray for the surgery & recovery to go well
- Lori & Teri's family is going to Chicago this week - pray for a safe & fun trip
- Pray for God to capture Teri & Katy's boyfriends' (Javier and Tim) hearts and make them the men God wants them to be.
- Pray for Kayla's little sister - she had surgery monday - pray for a quick recovery
- Kayla's dad is going through a difficult time with his football team - he's worn out & questioning career plans. Pray for God to give him guidance & be who he leans on during this time
- Pray for Kayla for clarity in life & her career path. That God would lift her out of this rut of negative thinking :)
- Teri's friends son Wyatt is having panick or asthma attack's
- Teri's friend Melissa has a daughter who is going through chemo, and Melissa just found out she's pregnant -- be with this family & bring glory through these hardships
- Teri's friend at work John had alot of smoke damage to his home from the wildfires and is very overwhelmed - pray for God to be with him and his family and get them through this
- Raegan's dog Colt is having stomach issues - pray for healing!
- Allison - please pray for my mom and her depression/anxiety she's been suffering for years - it's gotten way worse the past few months, and today is the day we find out whether it is her thyroid. Pray for clarity in what the problem is or giving her a clue as to what the best treatment is - at this point she's tried every anxiety/depression medication out there. I pray every day that he would just totaly deliver her from this so that she can glorify him, but there's some reason he's not doing that right now.

We're also going to have requests for our spiritual growth during this "So Long Insecurity" bible study:
- Courtney: security in God and not questioning her faith
- Allison & Katy - be aware of our insecurities & replace them with truth
- Teri - be grateful for what you have an not focusing on what you want

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to post an update on our Grandmother - her surgery went well and she is recovering in the hospital. Thank you for the prayers!

    If you could continue to keep her in your prayers as she now has to undergo a long recovery process with some intense physical therapy. She's also in a lot of pain right now so prayers that the pain will subside and the surgery will help to eventually lessen the pain she had prior.

    Love, L
