Wednesday, November 9, 2011

11/8 Prayer Requests

Happy Wednesday Gals!

Prayer Requests for this week:

Kayla: Be with my dad as he trys to decide the next step in his career...retirement or otherwise.
Keep my focus on living a life that is pleasing to matter what I'm doing.

Raegan: seek God's will in my relationship with Victor.

Lori: help find balance between work & personal life

Jiffy: I would appreciate prayer around a few decisions I am facing.

Allison: continued prayer for my mom to be delivered from anxiety & depression, and live the life God wants her to live!

Please add any other requests to the comment page so that we can all be praying for each other :)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

10/25/11 Prayer Requests

Great time last night with you girls!

I LOVED this scripture from last night!

"We are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago" - Ephesians 2:10

I pray that we're all aware that God has a PURPOSE for where we are right now in our life, and that we are doing the things he planned for us to do before the beginning of the world! HOW COOL! Here's a good sermon that talks about this purpose!

Here are this week's prayer requests:

- Please pray for my mom - Melody Bing -- she is going through alot of anxiety & depression problems right now. Pray for her thyroid medicine and new antidepressants to start working soon. She is scared & has no hope. Pray for God to give her hope & to be with her during this hard time.

- Pray for Courtney, Kayla and Raegan's career searches. Give them hope & guidance during their searches for the right job for this time in their life.

- PRAISE for Felicia's promotion to Senior Manager! :)

- Continue to pray for Kayla's dad and his frustrations with his coaching job

- Pray for Courtney's boyfriend Lars. He broke his foot and had surgery a few days ago. Pray for quick healing!

- Pray for Jiffy's friend who's mom died this week from a heart attach. Her dad died last year so pray for their family - that they turn to God for support and healing.

- PRAISE for JIffy's nephews Max & Will - they are learning how to pray. Pray for them to continue to grow up to be children of God. Thank you God for your blessings. Continue to give the Derrick family for spiritual and financial blessings to raise these boys to be all they can be for you!

- Continue to pray for Tim & Javier - that they come to know God's love for them!

- Kayla's prayer for all of us as we continue to learn & grow from this bible study: God, give us hope and courage for getting over our false positives. Help us to realize those false positives and replace them with the TRUTH of your Word!

- Everyone pray for a Texas Rangers WIN tonight! World Series! Woo hoo!

Love you guys!!

PS Here's the lyrics to the song Raegan sang for us last night :)

He's Still Working on Me

He's still working on me
To make me what I ought to be
It took Him just a week to make the moon and stars
The sun and the earth and Jupiter and Mars
How loving and patient He must be
He's still working on me

There really ought to be
A sign upon my heart
Don't judge me yet, there's an unfinished part
But I'll be perfect just according to His plan
Fashioned by the Master's loving hand

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

10/11 Prayer Requests

We lift up these prayer requests this week. Please post a comment to add any more prayer requests.

Life Requests:
- For God to be with Courtney's sister - she's going through a hard time right now.
- Lori & Teri's grandma is having shoulder replacement surgery on October 19th - pray for the surgery & recovery to go well
- Lori & Teri's family is going to Chicago this week - pray for a safe & fun trip
- Pray for God to capture Teri & Katy's boyfriends' (Javier and Tim) hearts and make them the men God wants them to be.
- Pray for Kayla's little sister - she had surgery monday - pray for a quick recovery
- Kayla's dad is going through a difficult time with his football team - he's worn out & questioning career plans. Pray for God to give him guidance & be who he leans on during this time
- Pray for Kayla for clarity in life & her career path. That God would lift her out of this rut of negative thinking :)
- Teri's friends son Wyatt is having panick or asthma attack's
- Teri's friend Melissa has a daughter who is going through chemo, and Melissa just found out she's pregnant -- be with this family & bring glory through these hardships
- Teri's friend at work John had alot of smoke damage to his home from the wildfires and is very overwhelmed - pray for God to be with him and his family and get them through this
- Raegan's dog Colt is having stomach issues - pray for healing!
- Allison - please pray for my mom and her depression/anxiety she's been suffering for years - it's gotten way worse the past few months, and today is the day we find out whether it is her thyroid. Pray for clarity in what the problem is or giving her a clue as to what the best treatment is - at this point she's tried every anxiety/depression medication out there. I pray every day that he would just totaly deliver her from this so that she can glorify him, but there's some reason he's not doing that right now.

We're also going to have requests for our spiritual growth during this "So Long Insecurity" bible study:
- Courtney: security in God and not questioning her faith
- Allison & Katy - be aware of our insecurities & replace them with truth
- Teri - be grateful for what you have an not focusing on what you want


Hey Bible Study Gals!

Teri had a great idea last night that we could start a blog to share scripture, prayer requests, and our ideas about the current study we're doing. I didn't know what to name the blog, and I was looking at the back of the "So Long Insecurity" workbook, and it had this scripture & I thought it was perfect!

"She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future" - Proverbs 31:25

Feel free to add comments to this blog & keep up with it as you want - but this is where prayer requests will be posted :)

Love y'all!